Bonsai Workshop – My Gardening Classroom

For the past few weeks, I have been hanging out in the workshop of Hong Kong Institute of Lingnan Penjing quite often. Since it’s in the outskirt of Yuen Long, it takes me over an hour to get there. But because I learn so much and really enjoy my time there, I always like to go there whenever possible 😀

In this post – My First Contact with Bonsai, you can find more photos of the workshop.

Bonsai Workshop Greenhouse
Greenhouse in the bonsai workshop

Bonsai Workshop Greenhouse
Growing watermelon in the greenhouse

There is a greenhouse in the workshop too. Interestingly, my teacher is trying to grow small watermelons like grapes, training the plants to grow up along the rope. He said that by this way, more watermelons can be grown in a small place. This is the first time he is trying to grow watermelon like this. I am very much looking forward to see how things will go here 😉

Forest Bonsai
Forest bonsai

This is not a just a forest bonsai, but one with all its trees sharing the same root.

Bonsai Workshop
Broccoli seedlings

Besides bonsai, I am also learning many other things in the workshop. This is the first tray of broccoli seedlings I have ever potted.

Bonsai Workshop
His name is "Wu Wu" 🙂

A bonsai student found this puppy got dumped somewhere outside when he was on his way to the workshop. The puppy kept following him, and dash into the workshop once the gate was opened. So now, this cutie is the newest member of our bonsai club.

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