Tree Species Commonly Used for Bonsai (Part 2)

As said in part 1, I would suggest you to first check out this list and find the tree species that you are interested in growing as a bonsai tree. Then, learn more about the tree characteristics such as suitable climate, common pest problems and such. In  addition, there are more articles on bonsai tips and bonsai care techniques of some particular bonsai tree types  in Happy Bonsai.

Check here for more tree species commonly used for bonsai trees (Part 1).

Juniperus species (Juniper) 柏樹
Bonsai Tree - Juniperus Juniper Bonsai Tree - Juniperus Juniper
Lagerstroemia indica (Crape Myrtle) 紫薇
Bonsai Tree - Lagerstroemia Crape Myrtle Bonsai Tree - Lagerstroemia Crape Myrtle
Liquidambar formosana (Sweet Gum) 紅楓
Bonsai Tree - Liquidambar Sweet Gum Bonsai Tree - Liquidambar Sweet Gum
Malpighia glabra (West Indian Cherry, Barbados Cherry, Acerola) 印度櫻桃
Bonsai Tree - Malpighia West Indian Cherry Bonsai Tree - Malpighia West Indian Cherry
Murraya paniculata (Orange Jasmine) 九里香 (月橘)
Bonsai Tree - Murraya Orange Jasmine Bonsai Tree - Murraya Orange Jasmine
Osteomeles anthyllidifolia 小石積
Bonsai Tree - Osteomeles
Pinus species (Pine) 松樹
Bonsai Tree - Pinus Pine Bonsai Tree - Pinus Pine Bonsai Tree - Pinus Pine
Podocarpus macrophyllus 羅漢松
Bonsai Tree - Podocarpus macrophyllus Bonsai Tree - Podocarpus macrophyllus Bonsai Tree - Podocarpus macrophyllus
Punica granatum (Pomegranate) 石榴
Bonsai Tree - Punica Pomegranate Bonsai Tree - Punica Pomegranate
Pyracantha species (Fire-thorn) 火棘
Bonsai Tree - Pyracantha Fire-thorn Bonsai Tree - Pyracantha Fire-thorn
Sageretia theezans (Chinese bird plum) 雀梅 (酸味)
Bonsai Tree - Sageretia Chinese bird plum Bonsai Tree - Sageretia Chinese bird plum
Serissa foetida (Tree of Thousand Stars, Chinese snow rose) 滿天星
Bonsai tree - Serissa Star Bonsai tree - Serissa Star
Ulmus species (Elm) 榆樹
Bonsai Tree - Ulmus Elm Bonsai Tree - Ulmus Elm Bonsai Tree - Ulmus Elm

Check here for more tree species commonly used for bonsai trees (Part 1).

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