Bonsai Garden of 雅石盆景協會 (Rock Penjing Association)

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to visit the remarkable bonsai garden of 雅石盆景協會 (literal translation: Rock Penjing Association) with Mr. Wong Chau Shing – the President of Institute of Lingnan Penjing and Mr. Liu Chuan Gang – the President of Hainan Penjing Association. The bonsai garden, itself, was a beautiful place that has been used for shooting several movies and tv programs. Among the several hundreds pots of penjing in the garden, we can find some beautiful penjing by the late penjing master, Mr. Wong Kee Mein, as well as some award-winning penjing by some of the committee members of Rock Penjing Association. Here I would like to share with you some photos I took in the bonsai garden.

For more photos, please visit the Rock Penjing Association Tour in Happy Bonsai Gallery.

Rock Bonsai Garden - Penjing in Hong Kong Rock Bonsai Garden - Penjing in Hong Kong
The design and landscape of this Chinese garden express the formless, indefinable asymmetry with a curvilinear layout derived from the nature.
Rock Bonsai Garden - Penjing in Hong Kong Rock Bonsai Garden - Penjing in Hong Kong
Many beautiful bonsai trees 🙂
Rock Bonsai Garden - Penjing in Hong Kong Rock Bonsai Garden - Penjing in Hong Kong
Rock Bonsai Garden - Penjing in Hong Kong Rock Bonsai Garden - Penjing in Hong Kong

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