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Suiseki Exhibition in 2010 Guangzhou International Bonsai Invitation Exhibition

In 2010 Guangzhou International Bonsai Invitation Exhibition, aside from the fascinating bonsai, there was also a suiseki exhibition, showing some amazingly beautiful rocks. I am sorry for the delay, but I am sure many of you would like to check out photos of the rocks in the suiseki exhibition nevertheless.

In 2010 Guangzhou International Bonsai Invitation Exhibition, aside from the fascinating bonsai, there was also a suiseki exhibition, showing some amazingly beautiful rocks. I am sorry for the delay, but I am sure many of you would like to check out photos of the rocks in the suiseki exhibition nevertheless.

For more photos, please visit the album of Suiseki Exhibition in 2010 GZ Int’l Bonsai Invitation Exhibition in Happy Bonsai Gallery.

Suiseki Exhibition in GZ Bonsai Show Suiseki Exhibition in GZ Bonsai Show

Suiseki Stone – 孔雀石 (Malachite)
Title – 人與自然 (Direct Translation: Men and Nature)

All the suiseki stones presented in the suiseki exhibition had very beautiful daiza. Not only was the wood base carefully carved to the details of the stone, it also integrated closely to the theme in such an harmony. How could one not love suiseki after seeing all these beautiful work of nature together with such skillful craftsmanship!

Suiseki Exhibition in GZ Bonsai Show Suiseki Exhibition in GZ Bonsai Show

Suiseki Stone – 黄蜡石 (Chrismatite)
Title – 風山水起 (Meaning: Things will become striking, extraordinary)

Suiseki Exhibition in GZ Bonsai Show Suiseki Exhibition in GZ Bonsai Show

Suiseki Exhibition in GZ Bonsai Show

Suiseki Stone – 青花石 (Don’t know the stone type in English, could anyone help?)
Title – 美人魚 (Literal Meaning: Mermaid)

Suiseki Exhibition in GZ Bonsai Show

Suiseki Stone – 紅壁玉 (Don’t know the stone type in English too, could anyone help?)
Title – 母子情 (Literal Meaning: Love of Mother and Child)

Suiseki Exhibition in GZ Bonsai Show

Suiseki Stone – 戈壁石組合
Title – 守望家園 (Literal Meaning: Guarding the Family)

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