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Visiting Qu Yi Garden – A Big Big Penjing Gallery!

Last Friday, with many fellow members of our bonsai club (Institute of Lingnan Penjing, Hong Kong), we visited Mr. Wu Cheng-Fa’s amazing bonsai gallery in Shenzhen – Qu Yi Garden (趣怡园 aka Tracy Penjing Gallery). Mr. Wu Cheng-Fa is the Chairman of Hong Kong Penjing and Artstone Society, as well as WBFF international consultant. Obviously he is one bonsai enthusiast. But moreover,

Last Friday, with many fellow members of our bonsai club (Institute of Lingnan Penjing, Hong Kong), we visited Mr. Wu Cheng-Fa’s amazing bonsai gallery in Shenzhen – Qu Yi Garden (趣怡园 aka Tracy Penjing Gallery).

Wu's Penjing Bonsai Gallery Wu's Penjing Bonsai Gallery

A corner of Qu Yi Garden

Mr. Wu Cheng-Fa is the Chairman of Hong Kong Penjing and Artstone Society, as well as WBFF international consultant. Obviously he is one bonsai enthusiast. But moreover, Mr. Wu Cheng-Fa is an art collector who has dedicated much of his time and wealth on promoting the art of Chinese penjing to the world.

Wu's Penjing Bonsai Gallery
With Mr. Wu Cheng-Fa (吳成發先生), the owner of this amazing bonsai gallery

With his large, beautiful collection of penjing, bonsai pots, and suiseki stones displaying in Qu Yi Garden, Mr. Wu Cheng-Fa invites fellow bonsai lovers and bonsai enthusiasts to his huge gallery/workshop, and together, share bonsai knowledge and ideas.

Wu's Penjing Bonsai Gallery Wu's Penjing Bonsai Gallery

RIGHT: Teacher Wong shares some bonsai stories of  his younger days with the club members.
LEFT: WBFF Chairman – Mr. Hu Yun-Hua – came over to our group and joined the conversation.

Wu's Penjing Bonsai Gallery
A group photo of our bonsai club members with Teacher Wong Chiu Shing (黄就成先生), Mr. Hu Yun-Hua (胡運驊先生), Mr. Liu Chuan-Guan (劉傳剛先生, Director of Hainan Province Penjing Society), and Mr. Zheng Zai-Quan (鄭在權先生, Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Penjing and Artstone Society)

There are more than 2,000 bonsai, antique bonsai pots, and suiseki stones in Qu Yi Garden. And among the 2000 bonsai in the garden, more than 1000 bonsai have already been developed to a presentable stage. While there are bonsai of many different styles/schools in Qu Yi Garden, bonsai of Lingnan style take up the majority in the Wu’s gallery.

Wu's Penjing Bonsai Gallery Wu's Penjing Bonsai Gallery

Wu's Penjing Bonsai Gallery Wu's Penjing Bonsai Gallery

Wu's Penjing Bonsai Gallery Wu's Penjing Bonsai Gallery

For more photos, please visit the album of Qu Yi Garden in Happy Bonsai Gallery.

There are also a suiseki stone gallery and large gallery of antique bonsai pots in Qu Yi Garden. I will put up photos taken in those gallery as soon as I can. Please hang on! Happy Bonsai!! 😉

Wu's Penjing Bonsai Gallery

3 replies on “Visiting Qu Yi Garden – A Big Big Penjing Gallery!”

Do you have an address for Tracy Gardens in Shenzhen? I cannot find the address on the internet or a phone number. Help would be appreciated.

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